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Player/Parent/Guardian Waiver Form

Waiver & Release of Liability: I, the undersigned, acknowledge that my child’s participation in Whitfield Basketball Academy is voluntary and that there are inherent risks associated with basketball and athletic activities.
I have read, acknowledged and accept
Waiver & Release of Liability:I, the undersigned, release Whitfield Basketball Academy, its coaches, staff, volunteers, and associated personnel from any and all claims for injury, loss, or damage resulting from my child’s participation in Academy events.
I have read, acknowledged and accept
Waiver & Release of Liability: I, the undersigned, I acknowledge that I am responsible for ensuring my child has adequate health insurance and that any medical conditions, injuries, or special needs have been disclosed to the Academy.
I have read, acknowledged and accept
Waiver & Release of Liability: In case of injury or emergency, I authorize Whitfield Basketball Academy staff to provide or arrange for necessary medical treatment.
I have read, acknowledged and accept
Photo and Media Release: I grant permission to Whitfield Basketball Academy to photograph and/or video my child during participation in any Academy activities.
I have read, acknowledged and accept
Photo and Media Release: These images or videos may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to, the Academy’s website, social media, news publications, and other marketing materials.
I have read, acknowledged and accept
Opt Out Option : I do NOT consent to the use of my child’s photos or videos for promotional purposes.
Acknowledgment of Understanding: By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understand the terms of this agreement, and I agree to abide by the expectations outlined above.
I have read, acknowledged and accept
Acknowledgment of Understanding: By signing, I also understand that failure to comply with the rules, policies, and guidelines set forth by Whitfield Basketball Academy may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or removal from the program.
I have read, acknowledged and accept

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